About PEACEFUL HANDS: No More Nukes

In 2011, Claremont Montessori's School's 9- to 12-year-old class embarked on a mission to study nuclear fission and nuclear weapons, as well as the impact these weapons have on our world.  They learned that many U.S. mayors support nuclear abolition because maintenance and modernization of these weapons drain trillions of tax dollars that are needed in our local communities.

They studied and undertook projects suggested by the educational curriculum developed by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. They discovered a Mayor for Peace in their own backyard: Jeri Muoio of West Palm Beach. She responded to their invitation, making time for the hour-long drive to the school in rush hour traffic to explain why she joined this international group of local leaders headed by the the mayor of Hiroshima.  

As their study and experiences expanded, Claremont's young students took as their goal to spread what they learned to students around the world. Their desire took shape in the launching of this website. Their hope was that many other young people would join them in building a future free of these weapons of mass destruction. 

Their student project takes on added significance now, as the United Nations formally undertakes discussion in 2017 about a legal framework to abolish nuclear weapons.  So, I have decided to revive the Claremont student initiative, with the hope that other educators and students will join in continuing their work!


For more information about ICAN's student activities, see here:




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